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NOV 19, 2016 SAT | 8 pm
A Girl Called Mary
The journey of Mary's life,
through the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
and Italian music from the
XVI to the XVIII Century
With Mari Reeves, narrator
Pergolesi | Stabat Mater
Rosemary Beecher Bryant, soprano
Dan Cromeenes, countertenor
Vivaldi | Magnificat
Monteverdi | Lamento della Madonna
Monteverdi | Hor che'l ciel e la terra
Torelli | Concerto in g minor "Per il Santo Natale"
Merula | Canzonetta sopra alla nanna
Grandi | Ave Regina Coelorum
de Rore | Vergine Umana
Tromboncino | Vergine Bella
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